Daily Forecasts

Jim Buitt

Last Update 6 months ago

Besides sending alerts the moment they are issued from the National Weather Service, you also have the option to schedule a daily "zone forecast" to be sent to your account email up to twice a day.

To access the Daily Forecast settings, log into your WxNotify account and click on your name in the upper-right hand corner of the window. From the drop-down menu, select "Daily Forecast".

To enable a Daily Forecast, you first need to create a Location. Once you have at least one Location, head back to the Daily Forecast page and click the toggle to enable the feature. If you only have one Location defined, it will be selected for you automatically. Otherwise, choose the Location from the drop-down menu for that Location's zone forecast. Next, use the slider to drag the pointer to select the time that you want the forecast sent to you. You can choose any time between midnight (12am) and 11pm, in 1-hour increments.

If you happen to want a second forecast sent to you, click the "Another" toggle button. It will present another slider where you choose a second forecast by dragging the slider to the desired hour.

Once you are done, click the OK button to save your settings.

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